
AfterBuzz TV SNL Show (Jennifer Lawrence)

Stephen Seidel often wonders who doesn't love Saturday Night Live? Some people, but most of you do, so that means we can be friends. As host/creator of Renegade Reporting, I welcomed the chance to work for Maria Menounos as host of SNL's wrap-up show. The first episode of SNL of 2013 was mediocre at best, but did have some great concepts and characters. Jennifer Lawrence looked great, but could have used a few more leading comedic characters. Lumineers made me feel warm and cuddly. Take a look below.  

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Thanks for watching AfterBuzz SNL Wrap-up Show with Renegade Reporting's Stephen Seidel, where we bring feats, and dreams from the streets to the screen. Tweet @StephenSeidel at @RenegadeRptg, as well as @AfterBuzzTV and always "Find the Renegade within you!" 
 -Stephen SeidelRenegade Reporting
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