
MSN DV Guide: Recap (Jonah Hill, Jeremy Lin, and more!)

Stephen Seidel with Jonah Hill Film Fest, Jeremy Lin and his Lin-derella season and more. @MSN's DV Guide.  www.dvguide.msn.com

Please Tweet @StephenSeidel and @RenegadeRptg or with any comments or questions. Let @MSN know what you'd like to see. Stephen Seidel's Renegade Reporting has covered red carpets, films, events, and many more. Find the Renegade within you, and... step outside the box (office).  -Stephen SeidelRenegade Reporting

Follow: RenegadeRptg


MSN DV Guide: Walking Dead, Shaun of the Dead.. all Dead as a Doorknob

Stephen Seidel reviews AMC's Walking Dead, Shaun of the Dead, and all things Zombierific. @MSN's DV Guide.  www.dvguide.msn.com
Please Tweet @StephenSeidel and @RenegadeRptg or with any comments or questions. Let @MSN know what you'd like to see. Stephen Seidel's Renegade Reporting has covered red carpets, films, events, and many more. Find the Renegade within you, and... step outside the box (office).  -Stephen SeidelRenegade Reporting

Follow: RenegadeRptg


MSN DV Guide: Mad Men for Happy woMen and Sir Paul's cameo

Stephen Seidel reviews Mad Men's return to AMC, the liquid lunch of yesteryear's ad firms, and Sir Paul's cameo to Don Draper's Domain.  @MSN's DV Guide.  www.dvguide.msn.com

Please Tweet @StephenSeidel and @RenegadeRptg or with any comments or questions. Let @MSN know what you'd like to see. Stephen Seidel's Renegade Reporting has covered red carpets, films, events, and many more. Find the Renegade within you, and... step outside the box (office).  -Stephen SeidelRenegade Reporting

Follow: RenegadeRptg


MSN DV Guide: March Madness NCAA'yo! on Sportscenter

Stephen Seidel reviews the NCAA's March Madness, ESPN's Sportscenter wrap-ups and 6 year old's choose their top bracket choices.  @MSN's 'DV Guide'.  www.tv.msn.com/DV-Guide
Please Tweet @StephenSeidel and @RenegadeRptg or with any comments or questions. Let @MSN know what you'd like to see. Stephen Seidel's Renegade Reporting has covered red carpets, films, events, and many more. Find the Renegade within you, and... step outside the box (office).  -Stephen SeidelRenegade Reporting

Follow: RenegadeRptg


MSN DV Guide: Fashion Star takes over the linens and airways, while HBO Go'es

Stephen Seidel checks in on Fashion Star on NBC,  blowing down the intruders at Gears of War Ram's Shadow, @HBO's Go App and more on @MSN's 'DV Guide'.  www.tv.msn.com/DV-Guide

Please Tweet @StephenSeidel and @RenegadeRptg or with any comments or questions. Let @MSN know what you'd like to see. Stephen Seidel's Renegade Reporting has covered red carpets, films, events, and many more. Find the Renegade within you, and... step outside the box (office).  -Stephen SeidelRenegade Reporting

Follow: RenegadeRptg


MSN DV Guide: Suburgatory, Community and 'Clueless'

Stephen Seidel reviews the latest sitcoms gone wild, the return of skilled entertainment reporter/actor Joel McHale and gang to Community and getting a clue, with "Clueless' revival. All that revealed on @MSN's 'DV Guide'.

Watch Here: http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/suburgatory-community-and-clueless/5to9q32
Please Tweet @StephenSeidel and @RenegadeRptg or with any comments or questions. Let @MSN know what you'd like to see. Stephen Seidel's Renegade Reporting has covered red carpets, films, events, and many more. Find the Renegade within you, and... step outside the box (office).  -Stephen SeidelRenegade Reporting

Follow: RenegadeRptg